To Ignite a Personalization Practice, Run this Prepersonalization Workshop

Picture this. You’ve joined a squad at your company that’s designing new product features with an emphasis on automation or AI. Or your company has just implemented a personalization engine. Either way, you’re designing with data. Now what? When it comes to designing for personalization, there are many cautionary tales, no overnight successes, and few… Continue reading To Ignite a Personalization Practice, Run this Prepersonalization Workshop

8 Ways to Kickstart a Design System

Recently, I was part of a 3-person team of consultants who in 12 weeks built the foundations of a new design system. That design system is now used in multiple products and is contributed to by other developers and designers. In this post you’ll find some of the techniques we used to make the project… Continue reading 8 Ways to Kickstart a Design System