Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2

Every now and then, you will have to show an alert box to your users to let them know about an error or notification. The problem with the default alert boxes provided by browsers is that they are not very attractive. When you are creating a website with great color combinations and fancy animation to… Continue reading Creating Pretty Popup Messages Using SweetAlert2

Creating a Future-Proof Responsive Email Without Media Queries

What You’ll Be Creating Using this method you can create an email that has responsiveness baked in to the layout, without any need for CSS or media queries in the <head>, so that even in the worst case scenario of email rendering, your layout will remain intact. Is Developing HTML Email Still Hard? HTML email has… Continue reading Creating a Future-Proof Responsive Email Without Media Queries

7 Design Communities for Gathering Support and Critiques

Every designer knows that a project creator often has a skewed perspective when it comes to critiquing their own work. When you churn out a project for da, ys or weeks on end you can’t really see it with fresh eyes anymore. This is why input from other designers can prove to be immeasurably helpful.… Continue reading 7 Design Communities for Gathering Support and Critiques