In this Photoshop tutorial, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at how to use the Remove Tool in Photoshop. Quickly remove unwanted objects, distracting details, and even people with just a couple of clicks. Let’s take a look!
Step 1
The Photoshop Remove Tool is found in the left-hand toolbar, grouped in with the Spot Healing Brush.
In the upper bar, you’ll find several settings, including:
- Size controls the size of your brush. You can adjust the size of your brush using the [ and ] keys.
- Find Distractions are automated settings for removing people, wires, and cables. We’ll cover them more below.
- Mode controls whether the Remove Tool will use generative AI. By default, Mode is set to Auto, meaning Photoshop will only use generative fill when necessary.
- Sample All Layers allows you to sample an area based on all visible layers, not just the contents of the active layer.

Step 2
To quickly remove objects in Photoshop, select the layer you want to remove the detail from. Next, click and drag over the detail. It will be highlighted in pink. Let go of the mouse to remove the highlighted detail.
In the below example, the Mode is set to Auto, and generative fill was used. Removing complex objects may require multiple attempts, as generative fill may replace the object with something similar. To prevent this, ensure you select all of the unwanted detail, including shadows.
Step 3
In this example, the Mode was set to Generative AI Off.
Generative AI Off is recommended for smaller areas and in images where you want to ensure generative AI is not used.
2. What is Sample All Layers in Photoshop?
Step 1
When using the Photoshop Remove Tool brush, you can either brush directly on your image or toggle on Sample All Layers in the upper options bar.
If choosing Sample All Layers, create a New Layer above your subject using Control/Command-J. Make sure this layer is active when using the Remove Tool brush going forward.
You can now use this layer to protect your original subject layer, toggle it on and off, and erase or mask it if needed.
Sample All Layers will sample all visible layers, including layers that are above the layer you’re brushing on. If you have adjustment layers active, it’s recommended to turn them off before using this technique.
Using Sample All Layers is optional but recommended as it’s a less destructive/permanent way of editing your photo.
Step 2
Let’s remove the necklace from our subject. We want the Remove Tool brush tip to be slightly larger than whatever we’re removing.
Now, click and drag on the object or detail you want removed.
3. How to remove cables in Photoshop
Step 1
To remove cables and wires in Photoshop, select the Remove Tool and navigate to Find Distractions in the upper options bar.
Select Find Wires and Cables. Photoshop will automatically select and remove everything it thinks is a wire or cable. See two examples below.
4. How to remove people in Photoshop
Step 1
To remove people in Photoshop, select the Remove Tool and navigate to Find Distractions in the upper options bar.
Select People. Photoshop will automatically select anyone it thinks is a person who is not the main subject of the photo, highlighting them in pink.

Step 2
Now, you can continue to manually select any people it might have missed by clicking and highlighting them as you would when using the default Remove Tool.
When you’re happy with the selection, press the Check in the upper options bar to approve and remove the selected people.
The People setting is conservative in who it will auto-select, focusing on removing people who are clearly not the subject of the photo.

That concludes our Photoshop tutorial on the Remove Tool. It’s a simple tool but is likely to be one of your most used if you find yourself removing objects in Photoshop often! Don’t ignore the Sample All Layers option so you can remove details but still work non-destructively.
Looking to learn more? Why not check out the following tutorials: