Is there a certain detail ruining your perfect shot? Some photos are easy to recreate, while others need additional editing.
Removing objects in Photoshop is quite easy. Today we’ll show you how to remove people from a nature landscape photo in Photoshop.
This Adobe Photoshop tutorial will explain the five easy steps you’ll need to follow.
Step 1
First, select the Remove Tool, which you’ll find in the left-hand toolbar bundled with the Spot Healing Brush Tool.
You’ll also want to change the Mode.
- Auto will use whichever settings Photoshop believes will give the best and quickest result. Smaller, simpler areas will not use generative AI, while larger, more complex areas likely will.
- Generative AI On will use generative AI no matter the circumstances. This setting is not recommended as it’s slower and unnecessary.
- Generative AI Off will ensure no generative AI is used when using the Photoshop Remove Tool.

Step 2
This step is optional. If you do not want to edit your photo directly, turn Sample All Layers on in the upper options bar.
Then create a New Layer above the base photo. You will do all of your brushing on this layer.

Step 3
Next, use the Remove Tool brush to select the person you want to remove. All areas highlighted in pink will be affected. You want the brush to be slightly larger than your subject, selecting slightly more than just the person.

Step 4
Let go of the mouse, and the Remove Tool will automatically remove the person and fill in the missing environment.

Step 5
This step is optional. If you turned Sample All Layers on, you can now refine what was generated on your blank layer using the Eraser Tool.
This is helpful for when you may have selected too much or removed a detail that you want brought back.

With the power of the Remove Tool in Photoshop, removing objects, unwanted elements, or people in your photos has never been easier.
Let your creativity soar and transform your images effortlessly. If you want more photo inspiration and assets, be sure to explore the vast collection of photos on Envato.