38 Unique Musical Websites for Bands and Musicians

Musicians and artists often struggle to come up with their own unique website idea. It is difficult because there are not many standards for building a music website. Often these are more free of the typical rules in web design, which allows artists to break outside the mold of normal website trends. This leaves room… Continue reading 38 Unique Musical Websites for Bands and Musicians

10 Highly Responsive Admin Templates for Your Websites

Few weeks ago, I was working on a project for which I needed a admin template which should be responsive and multi-functional. I thought I should hire someone to design and create one for me, but then I found and purchased a premium template which has all the features I was looking for. Creating a… Continue reading 10 Highly Responsive Admin Templates for Your Websites

25 Interactive HTML5 Websites

Few years ago, there were lots of cool and interactive websites that were built with Flash. They would often feature full screen layouts, animated elements and futuristic interfaces that made HTML websites look plain and tedious. Yet unfortunately Flash comes with several problems such as high processor load or loading time, but these days these… Continue reading 25 Interactive HTML5 Websites

A Comparison of Methods for Building Mobile-Optimized Websites

There’s a debate over which technique of creating mobile-ready websites is the best. Google advocates creating responsive web designs, while Jakob Nielsen, a renowned usability consultant, endorses the creation of dedicated mobile sites (but he was subsequently slammed by some web designers). A third option is also gaining in popularity, where the web server renders… Continue reading A Comparison of Methods for Building Mobile-Optimized Websites

21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5

After all the buzz involving the HTML5 CSS3 duo, it is nice to check how websites are using all the good practices you can get from HTML5. When the buzz around the subject started, we could see a lot of websites totally animated. Now, after all the benefits of HTML5 settled, we can see websites… Continue reading 21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5

Fresh Examples of HTML5 Websites

Ella Design Microsoft Toy Story HTML5Lab Envelopments LoveTEFL Design + Hype Sylvain Ollier Million Trees Space Oddyssey Conclusion Because of its promising future, HTML5 is considered as the next powerful trends in the web design industry and might surpass the king of interactive content. Photoshop Plus