25 Interactive HTML5 Websites

Few years ago, there were lots of cool and interactive websites that were built with Flash. They would often feature full screen layouts, animated elements and futuristic interfaces that made

HTML websites look plain and tedious. Yet unfortunately Flash comes with several problems such as high processor load or loading time, but these days these problems have overcome with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript libraries such as jQuery. So, for your inspiration, here we are showcasing a cool collection of interactive HTML5 websites.

Interactive HTML5 Websites

Keystone Logistics

html5 website

Ben the Bodyguard

html5 website


html5 website


html5 website

The Kitchen Community

html5 website


html5 website


html5 website

Socket Studios

html5 website

Love & Luxe

html5 website

Evolution Bureau

html5 website

A Book of Beards

html5 website

Blind Barber

html5 website

Nike Better World

html5 website

Salt Surf

html5 website


html5 website


html5 website

TAG Interativa

html5 website

Lend Your Leg

html5 website

Michel Doudin

html5 website


html5 website

Mercedes-Benz A-Class

html5 website

Martin Gauer

html5 website

Team Viget

html5 website

Adidas Design Studios

html5 website

Web Design Fact