SEO is becoming more complicated than ever with so many different keywords to manage. However, in this regard, one amazing thing that I have come across is seobase, a SEO platform that helps you in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the content that you put online. The best thing about this SEO tool is that it helps in managing organic searches without any hassle.

Here are a few key features that seobase has specifically helped me with:
- To track the overall performance of the content
- To be able to better identify further opportunities
- To help better optimize content
- To be able to report the backlink
- To efficiently manage the backlink
- To help in critically analyzing content
- To be able to keep with trends
- To help integrate analytical tools
- To do a competitive analysis
- To do a better technical analysis
I have been in the business long enough to tell when a SEO platform is making fake promises of providing you with an increased opportunity to report on the performance of content and when actually can someone deliver what they are saying.
Seobase is one platform, however, that has actually been able to keep its word and deliver more than I had initially expected it, too. This SEO tool has enabled me to have a real time, competitive and interactive analysis of content and has made sure that the overall search visibility of the keywords improves so that not only you but others also have a great searching experience.

There are plenty of reasons why I chose seobase over other SEO platforms and tools available online.
Here are a few key features that I would like to share with everyone:
Insightful suggestions
Seobase is one a kind SEO platform. Yes, it is true. While it an online tool, the insightful and meaningful suggestions that it offers for your content will make you feel as if you are sitting with a SEO expert who is physically present with you to guide you better regarding your search experience.
Ability to scale content
Trust me when I say this, not every SEO platform has the ability to scale content and optimize it for you. Seobase helps you in analyzing what the current top ranked content is and how you can get full command over in real time.
Here is a list of some of the additional features that seobase provides its customers:
Better content development
Seobase not only takes care of the search optimization of the content but it also helped me in producing better quality content over time. I was able to differentiate between the content that I used to produce before using this SEO platform and the one that I started producing with the help of this magical tool. I have started to feel that I have a personal guide in the form of seobase to constantly keep a check on the content that I am producing and putting out.
Here is how I was able to produce better content over time with the help of seobase:
- It helped in recognizing trends
- It helped in improving the efficiency of the content
- It helped in recognizing how to measure results
Search word history
With seobase, I am able to easily access the chart which displays the list of the search words for every month. This way, I get a fair idea of how each keyword is performing and what more can I do to improve the searches.
URL ranking
Seobase gave me a list of different URLs for the various keywords that I selected. The URL gave me a sense of how I can further rank the keywords and how many people are actually visiting my website based on the URL ranking.
History of the position
I have an entire position chart with me that help me differentiate between the ranking positions over a certain period of time. Seobase does this for a certain selected keyword only.
Competitive reporting
As a user, I am able to access the rankings for other domains. Not only any domain but also their subdomains, including the URL and also the backlink indexes. Not every other SEO platform is capable of offering such competitive comparisons and reports. I can easily filter out the keyword searches and also identify whatever gaps there are in the content that I am putting online.
Desktop and mobile friendly
I like working on the desktop but sometimes, I do not have access to it and I went to keep a track of things from my smart phone. With seobase I was easily able to do that. You can also create tracking for both your devices, no matter which one you want to use or not.
Tracking the metrics
One thing that I quite satisfied about is metrics tracking. As a user of seobase, I can assure you that you can keep track of the organic traffic of your website without any hassle. The best part is that changing metrics will give you a sense of how the rankings change in real time. You can also get analytics integration as part of a data platform. The data can be easily imported virtually through an analytical source.
User management
When I initially started using seobase, one thing that I was genuinely concerned about was if the platform will allow me customise the account based on my individual needs as a user. Thankfully, contrary to what I had feared, the SEO platform is quite user friendly.
Easy access to tools and data
Whatever reports and data are collected by seobase is stored systematically for your long term usage. As a user, I was easy able to access the ranking of the content all thanks to this amazing report feature.
Time framing
I can easily select different time zones and dates to track metrics for the different keywords and how well they are doing. It literally gives me the freedom of tracking and ranking the keywords, no matter what time zone or country. This can easily be done on both the desktop and my phone.
Pricing of the platform
One of the best things about this SEO platform that sets it apart from other is its pricing structure. You can try seobase for free without using your credit card information. The trial allows you to track any one website that has up to 3 keywords. This offer includes all other SEO tools as well.
For more pricing details, you can visit the website and find out for yourself.
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