Examples of Great Looking Landing Pages that Just Work

Landing pages are all over the place. To the average person, they are just another content page on the internet. To a site design, it’s all about the first impression, looks and conversions. For marketers, they are the gateway to generating leads and turning cold traffic into real revenue.

With so much focus on creating the best landing pages possible, it’s always nice to run through a list of examples from other sites and brands. Not just to see what’s currently out there and to see what’s being marketed, but also for the many different ways to engage and convert a site visitor into a lead.

And that is exactly what we will be looking at today. Three different landing pages from three different brands, and three completely different niche markets.

Great Looking Landing Pages that are Sure to Convert

As you make your way through each of the examples below, consider your options for how you can use these same landing page examples and features to increase traffic, sales and leads for your own brand.


Not all landing pages need to be flashy and graphics heavy. A perfect example of this can be seen with the Spreedsheeto landing page, which is focused on teaching others how to get the most out of Microsoft Excel. With Excel being one of the most commonly used software solutions in the world today and by millions of businesses and brands, there is always going to be a huge demand for additional training on how to get the most out of the MS program.

What’s great about this landing page, is that it uses a classic long-style that many of us will remember from the days of endless Clickbank products using this same style. Right when you visit the site, you are going to see the brand logo on the top left and then a “Get Access” orange button on the right side — which is definitely an attention grabber.

You will also find plenty of keyword triggers and call to actions throughout the landing page. These are all specifically focused towards Excel users that want to improve their performance and knowledge of the software. Such examples include:

  • Work more productively on your daily Excel tasks
  • Get new and better career opportunities
  • Upgrade your professional skills

As you make your way through the content, you will see plenty of these orange call to action buttons as well.

This landing page is great for many different reasons, which include:

  • A narrow design for quick and easy reading
  • Super fast loading and easy mobile viewing
  • A perfect mix of text, colors and images
  • Two easy pricing options with breakdowns

No matter what you are trying to promote or sell through your landing page, putting the end user experience as a priority is key. With the majority of users to this page (and targeted towards the offer) like already being Excel users, you would probably think they like things simple and to the point, which is exactly what this landing page offers.

Zutrix SERP Checker

Every site owner and business on the internet cares about where they rank in the search results. And for them to effectively track and monitor where their rankings take place, they need to have a SERP checker that is constantly being updated at all times.

Zutrix is a tool for just that, and their site is designed in an attractive and professional way that highlights all the key elements of what a site owner would be looking for in reference to monitoring site rankings.

Right when you hit their landing page, you will notice the top logo from Zutrix on the top left of the screen, and then a clear call to action to enter an email address to start a free trial. This simple call to action is ideal for both the brand and the visitor, as it’s a simple one-field and more than enough to get started.

And just like we saw in the previous landing page example, Zutrix uses powerful call to actions and headlines to grab the attention of their users, while showcasing what they have to offer.

  • AI-Powered Results – Zutrix is The World’s First Keyword Rank Tracker that uses Artifical Intelligence behind the whole analysis.
  • Fast Real-Time Notifier – We never let you miss any UPs and DOWNs, Zutrix offers Real-Time Telegram, Slack and E-mail Notifications.
  • Organized Flawless Reporting – Zutrix has a Unique Reporting system that includes everything you ask for. Scheduled Reporting, White-Label Integrations and more.

If you were to visit the site and scrolled down, you can view the many different features and pricing options associated with the site. As you make your way through all of the content, you will notice several call to actions and “Get Started” buttons, which all lead to the same sign up process. Other great featured of the landing page is the constant flow of branding and how the solution is being used by “other trusted companies” and there is even an option to connect with Zutrix support through their live support.

All in all, this is a very nice and professional landing page. And when a site is offering a paid service, it will often require more information than just a simple sign up for. This is why Zutrix is a perfect example of landing page other SaaS may want to follow.

Lyft Drive Program

It’s one thing to have a great landing page, and it’s another to have a world famous brand that people already know and love.

In the case of Lyft’s Drive Program landing page, there really is no need to overload the user with information about the company. People already know what Lyft is, and if they are coming to the site to walk through the process of becoming a paid driver, that’s all they want to do.

What’s great about this landing page is how simple and direct it is.

Not only does it showcase the Lyft logo on the top of the page and have the purple brand theme on the site, it’s also extremely easy and quick to the point.

When it comes to getting someone to complete a form or process, you don’t want to have too much information on one page. What Lyft does great here, is collect just the most basic and necessary information, while then passing the user through the rest of the sign up process.

How to Create a Great Landing Page for Your Brand

No matter what type of business or brand you currently have in place, a landing page can do wonders for generating new leads and sales for your business.

Another important thing to remember is, you also don’t need be a graphic design or a site developer. There are now plenty of drag and drop site builders out there than make the process extremely fast, affordable and easy.

The last step in the process is to invest the necessary time and effort into the further optimization of your landing pages. Don’t just stick with one page and accept their results for what it is. Keep tweaking your designs, call to actions and layouts, while also split testing and tracking your conversions in the process.

Author: Zac

Zac Johnson is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the world of online marketing and branding. Follow his journey at Blogging.org and ZacJohnson.com.