65 Proven E-commerce Consumer Behavior Statistics

several hundred thousands in the United States and anywhere from 12 to 14 million worldwide.

In terms of online shoppers, Statista counts 1.61 billion (worldwide) in 2016.

As such, every single aspect of an e-commerce website should be optimized. In this matter, the business owner and designer/developer need to work closely to make sure the website is set up for maximum conversion and sales.

For any brick-and-mortar business, analysis of consumer behavior is needed in order to make sure the business is a success. Understanding e-commerce consumer behavior statistics is also critical in achieving this online.

The infographic below arms you with information that will come useful when you work on a website for an e-commerce client. It covers details on how consumers react to color, placement of page elements, live chat, and reviews.

Check it out, and get insights on creating a better product for your clients.

E-commerce Consumer Behavior Statistics

Design Principles: 7 Vital Characteristics of a Check-out Process Page to Boost Conversions

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