If you came here looking for ways to break into someone’s WordPress site, you choose the wrong definition of the word hack. No, this article is all about ways to make WordPress work better for you and your visitors by getting your hands dirty with WordPress’ actual code, you know the functions.php files, .htaccess and… Continue reading Useful Hacks to Make WordPress Work Better
Tag: ID
50 Awesome Resume Designs That Will Bag The Job
A recruiter just spends about six seconds on a resume – the length of a Vine video. Thus it is important to find a way to make your resume stand out of tons of other resumes, particularly when you are in design. Impressive resume designs show your potential employer that you’re full of outstanding ideas,… Continue reading 50 Awesome Resume Designs That Will Bag The Job
Quick Tip: Add Shortlinks to Custom Post Types
Page transitions with CSS3
MARKUP The HTML will contain five main divisions: a header and the four content sections. Each of the content sections is going to have an ID and the class panel. Moreover, we will add another division inside which will have the classcontent. The first content section which is #home will only have the content class and will not… Continue reading Page transitions with CSS3