Inspire Others with the BeTop WordPress Theme

Inspire Others with the BeTop WordPress Theme If you have the ability to help other people, this is considered to be a gift. If you can motivate and inspire others to reach for their dreams, you are making a big difference in their lives. To accomplish this, you need a website that can show the… Continue reading Inspire Others with the BeTop WordPress Theme

10 Best and Worst Fonts for Emails

You are reading this article about fonts, it means you completely agree with us: there’s nothing more important than details. Besides, today’s trends call us to use less pictures, more texts in the newsletters unless it is a greeting one. We’ve done some research and analysis, and now we want to share the results on… Continue reading 10 Best and Worst Fonts for Emails

A Useful Guide To Designing Website Footers

In order for any website to be truly successful, there are many different aspects that need to be considered and put into motion. For instance, aspects such as visual design, the consistency of your brand, and overall usability are all things that can determine whether or not a user is truly happy with your website.… Continue reading A Useful Guide To Designing Website Footers