Design critique, the IA of Youtube, serial makers, and more UX this week

The UX of AI →

Machine learning will cause us to rethink, restructure, and reconsider what’s possible in virtually every experience we build. By Josh Lovejoy.

The IA, patterns, and flows of Youtube →

An addiction that extends beyond the content, creators, and community. YouTube has some great IA, design patterns, and flows. By Vicky Weng.

The king vs. pawn game of UI design →

If you want to improve your UI design skills, have you tried looking at chess? I know it sounds contrived, but hear me out. By Erik D. Kennedy.

Illustrating balanced and inclusive teams →

If people never see themselves represented in tech branding, it’s unlikely they’d consider tech a welcoming place to work. By Sara VanSlyke.

Digital design is never done →

How the team at Microsoft Design made Windows 10 Mail and Calendar apps more Fluent. By Ruediger Kinast.

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