5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Small Business

Starting a business comes with its risks. Even though running a business is a lifelong goal for many, everyone makes mistakes when they’re starting out. With anything new, it’s only natural to make errors and oversights. Yet, too many mistakes can ruin a small business. This list identifies solutions to some of the common mistakes… Continue reading 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Small Business

Soft Skills Designers Should Have

To be a professional in the creative industry, there are several things that you have to have. Obviously, you will need the necessary technical skills and the talent. However, to be successful in your craft, there are other skills that you need to learn – like soft skills. In this article, we will be talking… Continue reading Soft Skills Designers Should Have

12 Best Google Design & Development Tools

Google resembles an iceberg: there’s the part above the water we can see and use everyday; there’s also the part beneath the water, that we don’t see and know little about. While many of us are concerned about the aspects of Google we don’t see — the parts that threaten our privacy, or monopolize the… Continue reading 12 Best Google Design & Development Tools

50 Best Sans-Serif Fonts For Graphic Designers

73 Shares Due to living in a digital age, we seldom see handwritten or casual script on websites. However, that is gradually changing. The sans-serif fonts are very useful font style and typeface that is now being used in numerous design projects. This typeface is greatly used in casual script, despite not being used in… Continue reading 50 Best Sans-Serif Fonts For Graphic Designers