Using Color Theory to Improve Website Accessibility

There are tons of articles and guides about color theory and its importance for every web designer. Colors are really essential in design and may even influence people’s behavior in many cases. Thus, web designers usually check their website colors are suitable for the overall website style and that they create a good impression for… Continue reading Using Color Theory to Improve Website Accessibility

Bonsai.js – An Intuitive Graphics API and SVG Renderer

Bonsai is a lightweight graphics library with an intuitive graphics API and an SVG renderer. Bonsai’s main features include: Architecturally separated runner and renderer, iFrame, Worker and Node running contexts, Shapes, Paths, Assets (Videos, Images, Fonts, SubMovies), Keyframe and regular animation (easing functions too), Shape/path morphing and much more… Requirements: JavaScript Framework Demo: License:… Continue reading Bonsai.js – An Intuitive Graphics API and SVG Renderer

40 Free JS Libraries for Dynamic Content

Designers and developers can recognize the vast improvements in modern web design. From animated SVGs to customized web forms and movable typography, the list is practically endless. Dynamic content is the new norm and JavaScript libraries only make creation easier. If you’re looking for some cool dynamic effects on your website take a look at… Continue reading 40 Free JS Libraries for Dynamic Content

Essential Tools, Resources, and Services for Designers

With so many WordPress themes, page builders, and other design aids and services on the market, it can be difficult for a web designer to know where to turn when in need of a new tool, an additional resource, or a different design approach. Some of the products and services listed here are ideal for… Continue reading Essential Tools, Resources, and Services for Designers

The Anatomy of Time Tracking Tools: Breaking Down Its Essentials

As more and more professionals are focusing on getting the most out of their time at work by boosting their productivity, time tracking tools are in vogue right now. By using any of these apps to monitor your time spent on each tasks individuals have for the day or week, they will gain a better understanding on how… Continue reading The Anatomy of Time Tracking Tools: Breaking Down Its Essentials