20 Awesome Websites for Busy Photographers You Can’t Miss

Photography is an art and there is a growing interest about the field owing to the growth and development of modern technologies like cameras and computers. As a photographer, it is important to be able to showcase your work for others to see and admire and at the same time to inspire others with your… Continue reading 20 Awesome Websites for Busy Photographers You Can’t Miss

Flat Web Design Tutorial – Portfolio Landing Page

Some people may find flat web design boring while others totally love it. I find flat design interesting and more user friendly. It puts more emphasis on the content and it’s very flexible, which is really ideal for responsive web design. If you, like me, love flat design, make sure to check out 40+ Flat Web Design… Continue reading Flat Web Design Tutorial – Portfolio Landing Page

5 Overused Logo Trends To Avoid

If you are an aspiring designer looking to delve into logo design, you’ll want to develop your own style instead of simply emulating examples around you. Effective logos are more than just pretty; a well-designed logo is purposeful and unique, which makes following commonplace trends a losing strategy. Avid readers of DesignFestival are probably aware… Continue reading 5 Overused Logo Trends To Avoid

44 Creative Desktop Wallpapers to Keep You Focused & Working

Whenever I catch myself lost in my own thoughts it helps to refocus on my work by zooming back out onto the Desktop. Not just because of the background, it is also where I keep working files before moving them into their own folder. The desktop is a popular interface item which you will be… Continue reading 44 Creative Desktop Wallpapers to Keep You Focused & Working