Bootstrap is a very popular front end frame work for creating amazing websites and applications. It is extremely adjustable and easily manageable by all the designers who use it. Bootstrap supports responsive designs and has plenty of other extensions to benefit the designers like marvelous JQuery plugins and CSS sheets. Bootstrap is easily extensible and can be extended using its extensions and plugins which are available online. It contains awesome fonts, typography, forms, tables, buttons, grids and many other web and app building elements. To make bootstrap work and be extended widely the extensions and plugins were released. These plugins can be easily searched for using any search engine. Many of the plugins and extensions that are found online are free and some are of cost as well but sifting through all the available ones and getting to the best ones is what’s important and crucial for any designer’s layout and its success. We have put together a collection of the most surpassing Bootstrap extensions and application that are extremely efficient and can make any design beautiful and entrancingly interesting. All of the extensions and plugins in the collection are for different purposes and cater to a wider range of needs for any app and website. Therefore go through the entire collection and start effective development with these amazing frameworks or powerful resources!!
Bootstrap Modal Carousel
A set of plugins to display a carousel into a fullscreen modal box.
Wrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Twitter’s bootstrap framework.
Bootstrap Confirmation
Javascript plug-in for Twitter bootstrap. Require JQuery and Bootstrap-Tooptip.js to run. This is in Beta state.
jqBootstrap Validation
A JQuery validation framework for bootstrap forms.
jQDraw Bootstrap Grid
A simple jQuery plugin that draws grid columns to a twitter bootstrap enabled layout.
Datepicker for Bootstrap
Add datepicker picker to field or to any other element.
Pretty Checkable
This plugin replaces the default checkboxes and radio inputs for better looking ones.
Accessibility Plugin
This page demonstrates the use of the Bootstrap Accessibility Plugin on default Bootstrap components.
Css3 Microsoft Metro Buttons
My CSS3 library for making Microsoft-metro themed buttons.
Bootstrap Breadcrumb
A Bootstrap JavaScript plugin for breadcrumb navigation.
Bootstrap Calendar
Full view calendar with year, month, week and day views based on templates with Twitter Bootstrap.
Bootstrap Combobox
A combobox plugin that works with twitter bootstrap.
Jquery Gridform
jQuery-Plugin for creating complex forms (table-based) with usage of bootstrap and (optional) Font-Awesome.
Bootstrap Navigable Table
A Bootstrap plugin for elegant navigating along table inputs.
Bootstrap Image Gallery
Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery.
Bootstrap Magnify
Small bootstrap js plugin to enhance porte-folios and image galleries.
Bootstrap Markdown
Bootstrap-Markdown designed to be easily integrated with your bootstrap project. It exposes useful API that allow you to fully hook-in into the plugin.
Bootstrap Modal
Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable, ajax and more.
Bootstrap Contextmenu
A context menu extension of Twitter Bootstrap made for everyone’s convenience.
Jquery Bootpag
This jQuery plugin helps you create dynamic pagination with Bootstrap or in any other html pages.