Removing a head from an image for a great effect – Photoshop Tutorial

Tutorial Details

Requirements: Photoshop CS2 and newer
Difficulty: Intermediate
Estimated Completetion Time: 1 hour

In this tutorial we will learn how to remove someone’s head and replace it with object in the background. It does not only apply to heads but to all kinds of objects so you can remove them and replace with a background.


Removing a head from an image

1. Open your stock photo in photoshop. File > Open > Open
2. Duplicate background layer so you can edit it. ( CTRL+J )

Removing a head from an image

3. Click on Polygonal lasso tool ( L ).

Removing a head from an image

4. Select his head roughly but precise on the ‘meeting’ points.

Removing a head from an image

5. Select Brush tool ( B ) and then right click to bring up brush options. Use a big brush and set hardness to 0%. Opacity on 80%. Use black color.

Removing a head from an image

Removing a head from an image

6. Cover the selected area all in black.

Removing a head from an image

7. Zoom on rest of the area and select Pen tool ( P ).

Removing a head from an image

8. Point and click and follow the path, nothing detailed but nothing clumsy.

Removing a head from an image

Removing a head from an image

Removing a head from an image

9. After you selected his head and part of torso just link first and last dot together. ( Close the path )

Removing a head from an image

Removing a head from an image

10. Open Paths window. Window > Paths

Removing a head from an image

11. Ctrl + Click on the little icon near ‘Work path’ so you add it up to selection.

Removing a head from an image

12. Get back on layers ( Window > Layers )

Removing a head from an image

13. Make new layer. Name it ‘black’

Removing a head from an image

14. Fill it again with black color with brush tool ( B )

Removing a head from an image

15. Deselect ( CTRL + D )

Removing a head from an image

16. Now with polygonal lasso tool ( L ) select this part of his shirt because we need to replicate what was behind his head.

Removing a head from an image

17. Copy + paste ( CTRL+V and then CTRL+C)
18. Now transform it ( CTRL + T )

Removing a head from an image

Removing a head from an image

19. Then copy + paste again and transform again. ( exactly what you did in previous 2 steps )

Removing a head from an image

20. Now lower it’s opacity to 50% – 60% so you can see what parts you need to delete

Removing a head from an image

21. Select this little part with Rectangular Marquee tool ( M ) and press DELETE on your keyboard.

Removing a head from an image

22. Deselect ( CTRL + D)
23. Transform it and fit it to left part. ( CTRL + T )

Removing a head from an image

24. Zoom. ( CTRL + SPACE + LEFT CLICK )

Removing a head from an image

25. Delete overlaping parts with eraser tool ( E ) with opacity on 19%.

Removing a head from an image

Removing a head from an image

26. Now I used the burn tool ( O ) to recreate shadow. It’s like a brush but it does a variety of different things different things, such as darkening bright colors. Exposure on 25%.

Removing a head from an image

27. Zoom in ( CTRL + SPACE + LEFT CLICK ) on the other overlapping part

Removing a head from an image

28. Again use eraser tool ( E ) with opacity on 19%

Removing a head from an image

29. Now select smudge tool ( it doesn’t have a shortcut, its above burn tool ). Smudge tool ‘moves’ certain pixels without loosing color to another place. Put strength on 30% and smudge the overlapping part

Removing a head from an image

30. Zoom on the other side and smudge it a bit. Again same strength as earlier.

Removing a head from an image

31. Now select with rectangular marquee tool ( M ) this part from the stock photo and copy + paste ( CTRL + C and CTRL + V ) to a new layer.

Removing a head from an image

32. Smudge it until it looks like this.

Removing a head from an image

33. Now select burn tool ( O ) and burn it a little bit.

Removing a head from an image

34. Select ‘black layer’ with CTRL+CLICK on its icon near name.

Removing a head from an image

35. Be sure to be on the stock photo layer when moving selection to this point. You can move section simply by clicking it and holding while you move it with your mouse.

Removing a head from an image

36. Copy + paste and CTRL+T and move it to the black area.

Removing a head from an image

37. CTRL+CLICK on icon next to the layer’s name.

Removing a head from an image

38. Use black brush ( B ) with low opacity ( 40% – 50% ) and draw around end of the selection to create shadow.

Removing a head from an image

Removing a head from an image

And that’s it. You removed one object from the image and reconstructed parts what were behind it. Congrats!

Download the PSD

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