25 Best Photoshop CS6 Tutorials

Quickly Select Skin Tones Color Splash Effect in Photoshop CS6 Quickly Change the Appearance Content Aware Move Tool Introducing the New Crop Tool Hunger Games Poster Composite Using Photoshop CS6 Use New Features in Photoshop CS6 to Create an Administrator Dashboard Interface Use the Content Aware Move Tool Create Tilt Shift Photography with the New… Continue reading 25 Best Photoshop CS6 Tutorials

21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5

After all the buzz involving the HTML5 CSS3 duo, it is nice to check how websites are using all the good practices you can get from HTML5. When the buzz around the subject started, we could see a lot of websites totally animated. Now, after all the benefits of HTML5 settled, we can see websites… Continue reading 21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5

How to Make the Best Social Media Team for Your Business

The principles of social media are fairly simple, the execution takes manpower to monitor multiple sites, engage with users in creative ways, and respond to their posts. You can’t do it all by yourself. You need a team to make your social media soar to new heights. In this article, I go over what your… Continue reading How to Make the Best Social Media Team for Your Business