6 Pillars of Excellent Web Design

With the periodic changes to Google’s search algorithm, the methods of ranking that might have worked in the past are often abrogated – but that just means you have to find the ones that still provide returns and build on them.

Additionally, in the ever-changing expanse of cyberspace, you must take the time to familiarize yourself with the new ranking methods – such as social media, video marketing and photo-centered content curation platforms such as Instagram.

Although local marketing is more important than ever, many of the new methods break geographical boundaries. For example, a Charlotte web design company has noticed that many of their local marketing promotion methods manage to get picked up by global search scans. As a result, you can essentially knock out two birds with one stone if your promotion plan is executed properly.

Invest in an Attractive Web Design Template

This is definitely not a one-size-fits-all example. The kind of web design you should choose depends heavily on exactly what message you’re trying to get across. For example, e-commerce sites should look very different from a knowledge hub, in which you’re setting yourself up as an authority on a subject.
Although there are certain elements that just about every website can benefit from – such as spaciousness, big letters and responsive design – you will sacrifice traffic if you choose the wrong overall site theme for the products or services you’re offering.

Mobile Device Consideration

Given that mobile usage has been on an explosive rise for quite some time now, you must design your site with tablets and smartphones in mind. This means easy navigation on different screen resolutions; but most importantly, it means having a responsive design. With this, people can have a positive browsing experience on either desktop or mobile device.

Take It to the Next Level with Premium Images

Let’s face it: everyone is using stock images. There’s nothing wrong with this; but it’s important to know that one of the factors in Google’s Search algorithm is to rate websites that use premium or original images higher than those that don’t. Depending on your industry, it could be a good idea to invest in a premium image service. Additionally, it’s more likely that they’ll get picked up by Google Images.

Phase Out Sliders and Sidebars

These elements of web design were very popular in the early days of Google Pagerank; but now, successful sites are tending more towards spaciousness and clutter-less design. This isn’t to say that sidebars aren’t still useful in many cases; but consider whether or not your site really benefits from them by using your analytics to investigate both options.
In short, decide where you want the attention of your visitors to be focused. Choose just one or two spots – perhaps your header and the content; tank the rest.

Integrate Your Website with Social Media

Social media is, and likely will be, an area to put all your website promotion efforts into. It is the digital mechanism for engaging people. Become active on all of the biggest social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and even Pinterest.

Have share buttons on your primary website that display your social activity, and make sure to include links to your site on top social networks that you follow. Don’t just drop links haphazardly, of course; make sure you engage these networks and add something of value along with your backlinks.

Pay Attention to Optimization Factors

It gets a bit technical here, with meta-tags and H2 tags being very important. These on-page ranking factors are more for the benefit of the search engine crawlers; but, as in the case of the title tags, will strategically draw the attention of a reader, too. Work with an HTML and CSS expert to understand what techniques have been deprecated, and the details of a proper meta description. Oftentimes, these factors can be what separates sites from the first page of Google Search and the second.