Sometimes, I only worked on the sign-up page of the application for one complete month, because there were back and forth iterations, as the screenshots had to go on Google Play Store. Nobody was happy with one design, and the suggestions were extreme!
Our social media manager liked everything ‘clean’, and aesthetic. While our technical head wanted me to show the ugly-insides of the app that weren’t even designed or thought of ?
Sometimes, I worked on a different poster everyday for their Instagram and LinkedIn campaigns that were going on by the side, and sometimes, just one page of one app wouldn’t be finalised for months!
As a UX Designer, I also did the job of a UI Designer, a graphic designer, a video editor and a social media creative person, who also handled their Instagram and Twitter account in the time of crisis! There were many roles that I played, and juggled with.
But all in all, I am happy that I survived such a hectic, disorganised and chaotic work environment. And I am sure the way many companies are just coming up, a lot of new designers are down the same path, or already struggling and juggling different roles in their one job, that they have signed up for. The job of a UX Designer!
So, if you are someone who’s looking at starting your career in UX Design, be prepared to do everything and anything that comes your way (in case of crisis). But if you do happen to get an ideal work environment — cherish it and don’t forget to share your story with the rest of us! :)
That’s all for now folks. Let’s make this community awesome!