Our favorite UX initiatives this year

Fabricio and I are big believers in the power of the design community: sharing knowledge, honing our practice, and bringing a critical perspective on our work. Of course, like any industry that is expanding and maturing we have our growing pains, but when we put our energy as thinkers and makers for the benefit of our community, we are capable of achieving amazing things.

Every year, as part of our annual trends report, we like to take some time to appreciate and recognize designers and projects that, someway, helped our design industry and craft move in the right direction.

Take for example Jon Yablonski’s Laws of UX. We are sure he had fun and learned a lot by doing this project, and the community benefitted from it by learning more about some concepts and the history behind it, like in the case of Tesler’s law (“any system there is a certain amount of complexity which cannot be reduced”).

Margot’s talk “Empowerment in an Era of Self Validating Facts” is another excellent example of how a designer can use their critical thinking to a greater cause. There are many insightful talks about the design process, about our craft, and about case studies, but it was refreshing and inspiring to see a designer using her space on stage to talk about what the heck is going on in the world around us (and what that means for us, designers).

This year, we were also especially honored in publishing articles from Lillian Ayla Ersoy, Nikki Anderson, and so many others. They shared their time, thinking and craft with our readers and us — and we learned so much by reviewing and publishing their articles. Without them, our publication wouldn’t be what it is today.

It’s also important to keep in mind that what we do at the UX Collective requires a lot of sweat, but we are far from being pioneers. Our industry has many outstanding leaders which we look up to for inspiration. Khoi Vinh and Erika Hall are two of them. They make the design industry move forward, with their articles, talks, podcasts, books.

We are looking forward to seeing in 2019 more designers contributing with their craft to our industry and, most importantly, taking a stand on what we believe in and what we want for the world.

Here is the complete list of highlights:

Project of the year: Laws of UX, by Jon Yablonski

For making complex psychology laws accessible to more designers.

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