21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5

After all the buzz involving the HTML5 CSS3 duo, it is nice to check how websites are using all the good practices you can get from HTML5. When the buzz around the subject started, we could see a lot of websites totally animated. Now, after all the benefits of HTML5 settled, we can see websites… Continue reading 21 Fresh Examples of Websites Using HTML5

Get Your Content Strategy Out of the Drawer with Governance

All too often, strategies of every kind get stuck in a drawer—sometimes without being implemented or even reviewed after their initial creation and approval. One reason is that people forget the full definition “strategy,” which is a plan for achieving a prescribed outcome. The focus is often put on the desired outcome and not the… Continue reading Get Your Content Strategy Out of the Drawer with Governance

Fresh Examples of HTML5 Websites

Ella Design Microsoft Toy Story HTML5Lab Envelopments LoveTEFL Design + Hype Sylvain Ollier Million Trees Space Oddyssey Conclusion Because of its promising future, HTML5 is considered as the next powerful trends in the web design industry and might surpass the king of interactive content. Photoshop Plus

Top 20 PSD To HTML Services To Code Your Design

In this Internet world full of business opportunities, having a semantic and user-friendly website is important to the next Internet entrepreneur, aka you. But alas, not everyone can be an HTML/CSS ninja, since it requires a truckload of learning spirit, good karma (best practice), and years of experience to produce a functional website that actually… Continue reading Top 20 PSD To HTML Services To Code Your Design

Single Page Website Designs: 60+ Fresh Creative Designs

As you’ve already seen in our previous posts about Single Page Website Designs that showcasing your work in single page design is a hot trend. It’s kind of ironic to see what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work.… Continue reading Single Page Website Designs: 60+ Fresh Creative Designs

Future trends in web design: predictions for 2013

Another year has passed, which means it’s time for our annual instalment of design predictions for the coming year. In technology, one year can make a world of difference, and the changes can shape the way we design, test and market our websites. As we all know, technology changes faster than we can keep up… Continue reading Future trends in web design: predictions for 2013