Web Designing is All About Stirring Up the Right Emotions – 5 Emotions that Make a Website Work

The focus on aesthetics in website designing remains as is, but another element has been added to the mix, which is Emotion. A mixture of emotions and aesthetics helps you design user experiences that effectively capture the mood of the website and help deliver the website’s message effectively. You might not have thought about it,… Continue reading Web Designing is All About Stirring Up the Right Emotions – 5 Emotions that Make a Website Work

50 Amazing jQuery Plugins That You Should Start Using Right Now

jQuery has a wonderful community of programmers that create incredible things. However, it may become difficult to sift through everything that is released and find the gems that are absolute must-haves. This is why, in this post, you will find a collection of 50 new jQuery plugins and JavaScript libraries that, when applied with good… Continue reading 50 Amazing jQuery Plugins That You Should Start Using Right Now