Logos play a very important role in determining a company’s success, and this is just putting it mildly. A logo is arguably one of the most important elements of a business and helps it to grab the right attention and scale its success. However, merely having a logo for your business is not enough. Your company’s logo must be distinguishable, recognizable and make a lasting impression on people. Logos must be designed in a way that speaks galore about what your company does without occupying the entire frame. An overcrowded design can confuse your audience and prove to be off-putting.
Logos of big names like Apple and Nike have been successful since day zero owing to their minimal and effective design. Now, this might not be a blueprint for logo design, but studies have shown that brands that have minimal yet creative logo design tend to do better than the ones that have overcrowded logos.

That said, there are few questions that you can ask yourself while deciding on your company’s logo. From the colors to be used to the concept, some of these questions can help you hire the right designers for the job who can successfully condense your brand to a single emblem. Therefore, without much ado, let us look at these questions and answer the same to come up with effective logo design ideas.
What are the Different Types of Logos?

Logos can be divided into four main types. They are wordmarks, letterform, pictorial and abstract. Let us look at each of these types over the next few sections to understand their utilities and see how they could fit into the type of our business.
One of the simplest kinds of logos that companies can opt for is wordmarks. These are multi-lettered abbreviations or a group of letters that can help your audience understand and identify the name of your brand. Companies like IBM, CNN and Google use the wordmark type of logo. This simple logo design relies heavily on words and letters to convey their brand’s ideas to their target audience, and sometimes also consist of a symbol.
This type of logo design consists of only one letter as their logo, like the ‘H’ in Honda and the ‘M’ in McDonald’s. The letterform logo, just like wordmarks, is often the most preferred choice of logo design owing to its simplicity. Plus, it does not even take the companies to spend an extortionate amount on logo design as they hardly take a lot of time or resources by designers.
Pictorial logos, as the name suggests, are logos that make use of pictures, a carefully worked-out color palette and an elaborate concept to convey the brand’s message. Companies like Starbucks, Twitter and Apple use pictorial logos. The work of designing pictorial logos needs a lot of creativity, out-of-the-box thinking and an understanding of the brand’s core values. Therefore, make sure that you hire designers who extend monthly graphic design services, so that you can relax while the best designers take care of your company’s logo.
The last type of logo design is the abstract kind and can go miserably wrong for the company if not designed with caution. Abstract logos do not really represent anything, and to get people to understand the story of your company can be quite a challenge with this type of logo. Very few brands, like Nike, have been able to pull off their work with an abstract logo. Therefore, the most important question to ask at this point is whether your company really has the resources to experiment with this type of logo.
What is the Best Type of Logo for My Company?
Now that we have discussed the types of logos that there are, the second crucial question to ask yourself is this- which type of logo shall suit your company the best? The first thing that you need to understand and acknowledge is that not every type of logo suits every type of business.
You need to analyze your financial constraints because some logos require more money to be spent than others. You also need to be aware of the resources you have at your disposal, the motto of your company and your target audience. If you have a company name that you want people to remember and relate to at once, it might be best to opt for wordmarks or letterforms. Therefore, assess your situation before deciding on the type of logo.
What about My Business Must My Logo Condense into its Design?

Logos need to be able to tell a story. It has to be able to convey to your target audience what your brand stands for and its history, without confusing them about the same. Plus, your logo must also be unique, creative and stand out from the rest. When people look at your logo, they must immediately be able to understand what your company stands for.
That is one way to get more audience and sell your products. For instance, Amazon’s logo is its name with an arrow pointing from ‘A’ to ‘Z’. This conveys the message that the platform has everything available on it. Therefore, while deciding on the design of your logo, this is one crucial question to ask yourself- what about your business must your logo represent?
What are the Best Colors for My Logo?

There is one last question that you must ask yourself while designing your company’s logo. What are the best colors for your logo? More often than not, amateur designers fail to pay much attention to color psychology and its role in driving people to a brand.
Every color has different psychological punches, and a good designer shall be able to choose the right color palette for its client’s logo. Here is a tip that can help you select the right colors for your logo. Choose colors that your competitors do not usually go for. This will pique people’s interest and get people to wonder more about your brand.
In a Nutshell:
Logos are incredibly important for a brand’s success, and we have established that thus far. However, it is essential that you know how to design the right logo for your company, or it might just hinder your growth. The aforementioned points are some vital questions to ask yourself before hiring a graphic designer or a logo designer to design a logo for your company. Ensure that you have incorporated these tips to come up with a logo that shall work the best for you.