Understanding Color Psychology for Impactful Web Design

It’s no secret that color psychology is used extensively in all aspects of design. From the colors used on day-to-day grocery items, to brand logos and website design, color is an important element that can convey a specific message to users. Photo credit: Dropbox According to Kissmetrics, when we view a color, our eyes send… Continue reading Understanding Color Psychology for Impactful Web Design

Learn JavaScript and Up Your Photoshop Game

You’re a Photoshop master. You have your preferences perfected, the menus memorized. You’re a Wacom wielding wizard. Or are you? If you use Photoshop and you don’t code, you’re wasting time and effort with every project you touch. That’s time you could use to do more creative, enriching work or to get away from your… Continue reading Learn JavaScript and Up Your Photoshop Game