Using command line flags is a great way to subtly improve productivity. Whether saving yourself keystrokes or enabling specific features, it’s very much worth knowing the application flags available to you.
To launch a new tab with DevTools in Chrome, you can use the --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs
command line flag:
/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs
Having the DevTools console immediately launch when opening a new tab can be very helpful, if only to avoid needing to complete the keyboard shortcuts every time you launch a tab. If you’re an uber-nerd like me, you’re never not in developer mode!
Tips for Starting with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
One of the most rewarding experiences of my life, both financially and logically, has been buying and managing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum. Like learning any other new tech, I made rookie mistakes along the way, but learned some best practices along the way. Check out…
Smooth Scrolling with MooTools Fx.SmoothScroll
I get quite a few support requests for my previous MooTools SmoothScroll article and the issue usually boils down to the fact that SmoothScroll has become Fx.SmoothScroll. Here’s a simple usage of Fx.SmoothScroll. The HTML The only HTML requirement for Fx.SmoothScroll is that all named…
Duplicate DeSandro’s CSS Effect
I recently stumbled upon David DeSandro’s website when I saw a tweet stating that someone had stolen/hotlinked his website design and code, and he decided to do the only logical thing to retaliate: use some simple JavaScript goodness to inject unicorns into their page.