Brunch is your premiere HTML5 Build Tool running on Node

00000I recently stumbled onto an interesting build tool by the name of Brunch. This seems to be made for constructing picture-perfect HTML files without a lot of hooey.

Brunch is made to compile scripts, templates, and lint all of your code automatically. Modules can also be run during this time & applied to the compiled code. All code can also be minified for smaller file size outputs.

It’s a self-branded “ultra fast” build tool for websites.

All of the documentation can be found on GitHub with excellent sources. You’ll find a quick install guide on the Branch website and on the main Branch GitHub repo.

Take a look at some of the live examples to see how Brunch functions in the real world. You can also follow the official Twitter account for live updates @brunch.

If you’d like to see a live demo then check out this sample video for an introduction to Brunch.