49 Essential Elements of Ecommerce Product Page Design

ecommerce product page design

99MediaLab, a well-designed product details page will have three sections. The section above the fold will contain all of the important information that your prospects need to know immediately. This includes the phone numbers, company logo, a brief product description along with pictures of the product, and the CTAs.

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The section below the fold includes a detailed description of the product along with any reviews you might have. The footer should include essential information that people may not immediately need but would like access to. For example, it should include links to the About Us page, Contact Us page, information about any certifications and licenses, etc. Such product pages are easy to navigate and will help increase the conversion rates, especially if the content and graphics are good.

Ecommerce Product Page Design Infographic

ecommerce product page design

Source: 99MediaLab.com