30 Tutorials for Developing HTML5 Web Browser Games

Modern HTML5 specifications allow for a wide breadth of creativity. Web developers have always been toying around with JavaScript games. But, nowadays, it is so much easier to jump into the process and create something truly magnificent.

This gallery is devoted to 30 tutorials you might use to learn about in-browser game development. These techniques focus on HTML5/CSS3/JS and should run identical in all modern Operating Systems. Browser games running on HTML5 are quite different in comparison to older Flash games. If you have any curiosity surrounding this topic, why not take a peek at some of these tutorials?

Your First HTML5 Game

first tutorial html5 browser game howto

Sprite Animation with Canvas

html5 canvas sprite animation tutorial

Creating a Game Character

create game character html5 canvas javascript

An ImpactJS Introduction

HTML5 Pong Game

create js open source html5 pong game

Introduction to the Gamepad API

html5 game development browser gamepad api tutorial

Create a Mobile HTML5 RPG

Create a Mobile HTML5 Farming Game

howto tutorial html5 farming rpg game sprites

Virtual Pet Game

tutorial create virtual pet javascript browser game

Simple Asset Management

asset management for html5 game development

Auto-Resizing HTML5 Games

auto resize browser design studios gaming

Canvas Snake Game

HTML5 Mario-Style Platformer

Create a Mobile Educational Game with HTML5

Design A Mobile Game with HTML5

Build your own HTML5 3D Engine

HTML5 Game with Enchant.js

simple html5 game tutorial with enchantjs

Object-Oriented JavaScript

Galaxian-Style HTML5 Game

galaxy space tutorial html5 game development

Create a Canvas Tileset

html5 browser game canvas graphics tileset tutorial

5 Best Practices for HTML5 Games

best html5 practices for building html5 mobile browser games

Build a Racing Game

browser ui mobile game javascript racing

DOM Sprites

JavaScript Game Code Organization

JavaScript Physics Engines Comparison

Making the Move to HTML5

Create A Proper Game Loop

Create A Smooth Canvas Animation

Collision Detection and Physics

Vector Field Obstacle Avoidance

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