Digital products will often have access to specific information about their users, such as their location, schedule and even their preferences. This information can be utilized in order to provide more informed feedback with the added element of personalization.
Taking what the system knows about the user into account when giving over feedback will also help save the users’ time and effort.

For example, Waze remembers its users’ driving schedules and favorite routes after they’ve driven them a few of times. It then utilizes this knowledge when giving feedback, so that a user who normally goes to work at 8 AM and uses the app at that time will be asked if he or she would like to be directed to work. This saves users’ the time and effort of entering in their destinations and also helps to customize their app experience.
Ultimately, great products provide great feedback. By utilizing context, timing, micro-interactions, notifications, and system knowledge appropriately, we can enhance our system feedback, resulting in our ultimate goal: a better experience for our users.