It’s a Wild World Series: Stunning Photographs of Animals

Not so very many years ago, we had no idea what a Meerkat was unless we lived in certain areas of South Africa, even then, you had to go into the desert to see them. Nowadays, with the technological progress of both television and photography we are far more informed about animals in the wild.… Continue reading It’s a Wild World Series: Stunning Photographs of Animals

Using WordPress for Web Application Development: Features: Sessions

In this series, we’re taking a look at how it’s possible to build web applications using WordPress. Thus far, we’ve talked about how WordPress is a foundation (rather than a framework), its architecture, how we need to conceptually think of it when approaching it especially coming from other languages, and then we began talking about… Continue reading Using WordPress for Web Application Development: Features: Sessions

Elegance and Refinement of Mobile Interfaces based on Blurred Backgrounds

Being a basic photo effect for a long time, blurred backgrounds only recently have become a quite popular tool among web designers that had noticed its remarkable ability to help elements to stand out. Such approach rather readily, unobtrusively and quite naturally gives due prominence to content, icons and graphics that are placed on a… Continue reading Elegance and Refinement of Mobile Interfaces based on Blurred Backgrounds