The future in purple…! it’s so true. We see purple and ultraviolet color everywhere in web templates, logos, business cards and resume designs. In this inspiring article we are gathered 25 best examples of Purple color used in Logo and presentation of logo. These logo are design by highly talented designers and graphic agencies. Earlier we are showcasing thousands of creative business logo designs, that we hope will inspire you and give some ideas for your awesome project. Today’s collection have only inspiring business logo design created by professional designers from all over the web.
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The logo is one aspect of a company’s commercial brand, or economic or academic entity, and its shapes, colors, fonts, and images usually are different from others in a similar market. Logo Designs are also used to identify organizations and other non-commercial entities.
Guardor logo design by TIE A TIE by Aiste

Purple Flame Logo by LeoLogos

Marketo Rebrand by Chase Turberville

Petals Logo by NestStrix Design

Samaya Logo Design by Dalius Stuoka

Rubik IT firm logo design by Dmitry Zmiy

Hucksta (Letter H Logo) by Hristijan Eftimov

Damage – Website Design & Development by Roy Barbe

Inspecto Logo Concept by Hristijan Eftimov

WebDontics Lockup by WebDontics

Introducing the New Teespring! by Alec Schmidt

Niteo Logo by maria deart

SNAP by Kaejon Misuraca

Alef Farbstein – logo design by Daniel Nave

Date with Love Brand Identity by Insfire Studios

Health_thrive – Logo design by Igor Mijucic

Uplabs Logo Design by Alessandro P. Benassi

Optomedica logo by Piotr Lalik

Komplet Finance – Logodesign by Petr Hradil

Full “P” Logo Design by LeoLogos

Instaoffer logo by Frannnk

Coolest Logo by LINA

Ultimate Tool Kit Logo by Tom Bekkers

Innotec Logo Concept by Hristijan Eftimov

Brand Identity by Melissae