Best of 2020 brochure templates perfect for corporate portfolio, company annual report, product catalog, fashion booklet, photography portfolio and company profile. Brochures are designed with a strong theme, multi-functionality and fully editable. Clean and simple brochure templates has all the features you’d expect in a brochures, from placeholders, to text styles, one click infographics, and easy to edit master pages. Brochures are available in different sizes Square, A4 and US Letter.

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There are 50 best brochure designs of 2020, which are perfect for all kind of businesses in 2021. Fully editable layers or colors shape layers, print ready (CMYK/3mm Bleeds/300 dpi), format is A4 (210 x 297mm) with 3 mm bleed and US letter (8.5 x 11 inches) with 0.125 inches bleed. The files are fully editable and print ready. Paragraph styles included, master page included. Based on a 6 column grid. All graphical elements are as vectors included.
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50 Best Brochure Templates Of 2020
In this post, we are gathered top brochure templates perfect for Industrial, technology, manufacturing, photographic catalog, construction, mining, medical, retail industries, fashion outlets and corporate annual reports. Let’s take a close look at some of the most beautiful business brochure designs.
1. A5 Business Brochure Template
It’s a Clean and Easy to use. Easy to edit, you can change Yellow accent color throughout the whole document at once, paragraph and character styles included, text and images placed on separate layers, text aligned to grid. It is a vertical design, available in A5 size (21×14.8)cm.
2. Corporate Brochure Template
3. Business Company Brochure Template
4. Blue Business Proposal Layout
Blue Business Proposal Layout is beautiful and cool layout for Adobe InDesign. Print ready or export as PDF.
5. Corporate Business Brochure Template Design
6. Product Catalog Brochure Template
Catalog Description The Product Catalog Template that is super simple to edit and customize with your own details! Simply add your own images and text, I hope you like it.
7. Bifold Brochure Template
8. A5 Awesome Business Brochure Template
It’s a Clean and Easy to use. Easy to edit, you can change green accent color throughout the whole document ,text and images placed on separate layers, text aligned to grid.
9. Modern Brohure Template
Portfolio or album. This is a modern and powerful template for a Portfolio. 40 pages possibility of creating many unique spreads.
10. Business Elegant Brochure Template
It’s a Clean and Easy to use. Easy to edit, you can change Blue accent color throughout the whole document at once, paragraph and character styles included, text and images placed on separate layers, text aligned to grid.
11. Company Profile Brochure Template
It’s a Clean and Easy to use. Easy to edit, you can change Blue accent color throughout the whole document ,text and images placed on separate layers, text aligned to grid. It is a vertical design, available in A4 size (21×29.7)cm.
12. Corporate Company Profile Brochure Template
13. Corporate Landscape Brochure Template
14. Architecture Brochure Template
Architecture Brochure / Portfolio template is clean, modern and professional with strong typography make your portfolio look professional. It’s created in Adobe InDesign with 30 pages documents with two paper sizes including US Letter and International A4. This template is suitable for any project purpose.
15. Best Business Proposal
This 16 pages Professional Business Proposal Template can be the best choice for you. It’s huge options like your company details, services, work process, case study, portfolio, project description, project timeline, price plans, budget breakdown, quotation, terms and conditions, project completion etc. options will help you to show your strengths to your client. Not only that, if you want, you can add or remove any pages by following a simple steps. You can use this proposal for any purpose like project proposal, company proposal, business proposal, corporate proposal etc.
16. Annual Report Template
This annual report template is the best suitable choice to work with that provided an effective layout to publish a comprehensive report, include interesting information about the company and the financial details with graphs & charts. This template includes a lot of options you might need to show your client like your company details, team members, services, quality, project details, pricing tables, graphs and charts etc.
17. Business Proposal Brochure Template
A strong and persuasive proposal with attractive, professional appearance is what you need to present the process used to implement the project and what steps you will take to manage the project.
18. Lighthouse – Project Proposal Brochure Template
This Proposal template is a fully customizable Indesign file. Create your own Proposal quick and easy. The template comes with paragraph and character styles, color swatches, master pages, graphical elements, and much more. Ideal for Graphic or Web designers, Photographers or people who want to present their work.
19. Fashion Brandbook Brochure Template
Fashion Brandbook is a simple Indesign brochure template available in A4 and US letter sizes. Each page features unique layouts with strong, contemporary typography. This template will suit for fashion industry or any business related.
20. Square Portfolio Brochure Template
I have created a beautiful and modern Portfolio brochure template. It is perfect for your business and for personal use. The template page designs are very trendy and can be fully customised.
21. ROSE — Brand Guidelines Brochure Template
Agencies and design studios will use brand guidelines to show their clients how to implement their new brand. The Rose Guidelines cover all aspects of design including logo, color, type, web, Social Media, print, packaging and imagery.
22. Square Corporate Brochure Template
Introducing Pakumantan, A Square Corporate Brochure Template. This layout Simple, Modern and Unique design Template. The template is perfect for any company, organisation, agency, or any other institutions that needs a clean, elegant and professional brochure for their promotional campaign.This brochure is an ideal way to showcase your business.
23. Proposal Brocchure Template
The Proposal Brochure, clean and creative template. This layout is suitable for any project purpose, very easy to use, edit and customize to your needs.
24. Voom Portfolio Template
Voom Portfolio is a 24-page Adobe InDesign template, based on a minimal aesthetic with strong typography and white-space. The template is perfect for all kinds of creative professionals and in addition, it can also use it as photobook, catalog, magazine, brochure or proposal. You can print it or export it as a PDF to send it to your clients.
25. Elegant Business Brochure Template
26. Corporate Business Magazine Brochure Template
27. Annual Report Template
This annual report template is the best suitable choice to work with that provided an effective layout to publish a comprehensive report, include interesting information about the company and the financial details with graphs & charts. This template includes a lot of options you might need to show your client like your company details, team members, services, quality, project details, pricing tables, graphs and charts etc.
28. Modern Fashion Brochure Template
This is Creative and Minimalist 16 Pages brochure, perfect for any personal or corporate use. It’s ideal for any company project. You can edit easily this Brochure, It’s 100% customizable, All objects are resizable, with no quality loss, removable and editable.
29. Creative Business Brochure Template
This is Creative and Minimalist 16 Pages brochure,perfect for any personal or corporate use. It’s ideal for any company project. You can edit easily this Brochure, It’s 100% customizable, All objects are resizable, with no quality loss,removable and editable.
30. Best Annual Report Template
31. Green Company Brochure
32. Blue Company Profile
33. Professional Brochure Template
34. Awesome Business Brochure Template
This is Creative and Minimalist 8 PAGES BUSINESS BROCHURE, perfect for any personal or corporate use. It’s ideal for any company project. You can edit easily this Brochure, It’s 100% customizable, All objects are resizable, with no quality loss, removable and editable.
35. Perfect Company Profile Brochure
This Company Profile Template is an A4 Size Adobe InDesign Template which can be use for any company, business or organization purpose. This template is very easy to customize and you can change everything like text, images, objects etc. in within very short time. It’s professionally organized. So anybody, even a beginner also will be able to edit it like a pro. 20 custom pages with master page and auto page number which will help you to add or remove pages easily.
36. Elegant Brochure Template
37. Creative Brochure Pack
38. Best Fashion Brochure Template
Minimal, modern, simple and unique layouts with strong typography make your brochure look professional. It is for designers working on fashion brochure or based on the projects. It’s available in 24 pages A4 and US letter sizes. This template will suit for fashion, photography, food, Lifestyle and architecture.
39. Rina Brochure Template
40. Creative Colorful Squares Brochure Design
41. 26 Pages Corporate Square Brochure Design
42. Creative Annual Report Brochure Design
43. Minimal and Professional Proposal Brochure Template (36 Pages)
44. A5 Abstract Business Brochure/Catalog
45. Minimal Fashion Look book / Catalog Template
46. Modern Business Proposal Brochure / Category Design
47. Abstract Brochure / Catalog InDesign Template
48. Booklet Brochure Template
49. Business Proposal A4 Size Template
50. Project Proposal Template
51. Corporate Brochure Business Template
52. Photography Square Portfolio Template
53. Minimal Photography Brochure Template