Give your flat design a boost with this Flattastic UI kit, designed by Vlade Dimovski, free to download and simple to use.
The PSD is properly layered, with intuitive naming, making modifying it for your own projects a synch.
The design features four pairs of complimentary colors perfect for any flat design: bittersweet, which is #FC6E51 and #E9573F; lavender, which is #AC92EC and #967ADC; grass, which is #A0D468 and #8CC152; and aqua, which is #4FC1E9 and #3BAFDA. But of course, download the PSD and you won’t need the hex codes, just use your trusty eyedropper tool!
The design uses Open Sans, which is free for use from Google Web Fonts and the icons provided work beautifully with it (note: photos are not included).