A Collection of Beautifully Designed Coming Soon Pages

One of the main ideas behind the lean startup principle is that you validate your idea early. If you’ve working on a startup idea, or a new product or a service or app, the idea is that you get something you can show to the world to see what people say. Coming soon pages are the first step in that process. You aren’t necessarily showing the finished product – but it’s enough to start seeing if people talk about it, and whether you get people signing up to hear more about it, or registering to beta test it when it’s ready.

But just because it’s only a temporary landing page, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be thoughtfully designed. The quality of the coming soon page that you put up can have a huge impact on whether or not people sign up to hear more about it.

Generally, the best pre-launch pages all do three things well. They build excitement by giving a quick, short insight into what the product will do, and what problems it solves. They give some finer details about the features and benefits that it will have. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, they give visitors the ability to sign up and register your interest. That last step fundamentally crucial, as it means that – come launch time – you have a (hopefully large) list of potential users that you can email to let them know your new product has arrived.

As it’s so important to have a thoughtfully designed coming soon page, I wanted to bring together a list of some of my favourites. These are all recent, fresh examples of pages that I think do a great job of explaining the product and building hype and excitement for those people who would be the service’s target audience. If you’re working on a startup or are looking to create your own prelaunch landing page, I hope this collection gives you some inspiration and ideas.

Beautifully Designed Coming Soon Pages


Cinematec - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Daycast - Beatifully designed coming soon page


PandaDoc - Beatifully designed coming soon page


PlaceList - Beatifully designed coming soon page

Nizo for iPhone

Nizo for iPhone - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Flare - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Shyp - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Founders - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Interactly - Beatifully designed coming soon page

Supper Club

Supper Club - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Typetalk - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Get Eighty - Beatifully designed coming soon page


YayPlanner - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Marvel App - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Macaw - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Cloudsnap - Beatifully designed coming soon page

Tap a Cab

Tap a Cab - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Geekboy - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Mindscore - Beatifully designed coming soon page


Xing - Beatifully designed coming soon page

Are there any coming soon or prelaunch landing pages that you’ve found that deserve an honourable mention? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

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