Tips To Avoid Great Responsive Web Design Problems

Responsive web designs have been around since the last two years. However, designers have been facing numerous challenges especially when it comes to developing framework for the code, script and developing a process of managing the responsive web designs. Avoiding the responsive web designs problems is possible and a range of solutions are available for the same. Below are listed some of the tips that help you avoid problems associated with responsive web designs.

1) Demonstration of power of responsive design

The best way of explaining responsive design is to demonstrate the same to clients and tell them on the ways it is going to help them. The best way to convey any working concept is to demonstrate it in action mode. Carry your laptop or notebook to the client meeting. Perhaps you can demonstrate some other responsive web design you have build.

This will help the client develop a better understanding of your ideas and will streamline things much in advance for you, even before you have thought of preparing responsive web design for a client.

2) Use of consistent designs

Navigation strategy plays a vital role and needs to be based upon content of the site, its information architecture and should keep design considerations in mind. Do not just simply download a script or demo, rather first evaluate on how the same works and how better can it fit in the web design strategy, you are working on.

Do check as to how the navigation strategy works on multiple devices and in distinct scenarios possible. This will help you develop consistent designs.

3) Handling of images

As for navigation, the options available for handling images in responsive web designs are limited. The situation gets complicated further as the designers need to consider using next gen devices as Mac Book Pro and iPads that usually have high pixel density display. Likewise, the images, icons and codes need to be flexible so that graphics on these high pixel devices do not appear out of sync.

Using adaptive images seems to be the best strategy one needs to adopt in order to come up with a better result for distinct devices that have varying pixels.

4) Updating the code base

Up gradation of code base of the fixed width site is required in order to make the same responsive. The best possible solution here is to opting for rebuilding of style sheets and templates. Reversing of engineering code to make the web design responsive can also be tried but the more practical option would be to rebuilding the style sheets and templates.

5) Cut the testing costs

The issue of testing the responsive web designs also needs attention. Small business owners and freelancers in the business find it difficult to have independent testing devices due to the cost factor involved. Browser inspection and window dragging need to be done while creating a responsive web design.

Thankfully, some of the bigger agencies in the business are willing to share their testing resources with small entrepreneurs in the sector. Find one in your vicinity and cut your testing cost.

Follow the above listed steps and you will be in a better position to avoid problems associated with having the responsive web design implemented successfully.

Web Design Fact

1 comment

  1. These are very useful tips to avoiding responsive web design problems. I really learned alot.I think these problems should be avoided by every web designer. Thanks

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