Potential designer: focus on this first

In our craft, it is ridiculously easy to consume hours of visual content every day. When researching, it’s a fine line between generating ideas, layouts, and concepts and getting emotionally jealous of their work.

I’ve surrounded myself with creative people, a vast array of musicians, producers, photographers, illustrators, and designers. But I have a secret. I’m trying to fit in. I’m comparing myself, and it’s not beneficial.

It encompasses more than the imposter syndrome. I never feel good enough. It makes me emotionally susceptible to being jealous of other people’s work.

Your Insta feed isn’t real life, your backyard, your network, or your market. So why the heck are you letting it emotionally discourage you from creating?

So stop being jealous of great work.

Someone somewhere will always produce great work, and that’s perfectly okay. Quit thinking that you’ll never be adequate.

The truth is your content feeds are distracting you from creating because it’s stripping of the joy of discovery. Stop thinking you will never get there.

You will, just put in the work.

You’ve got to shut everything out and focus on creative output.
Change your mindset and your attitude.

Categorized as UX

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