40 Resources for Getting Started with jQuery Development

Each year a new batch of young web developers are jumping into the field head-first. Often times frontend web development is the easiest barrier to jumpstart learning. HTML/CSS work is quite simple, but delving into JavaScript provides a deeper realization of general programming topics. These include functions, loops, variables, along with an understanding of how JavaScript code affects elements in the DOM.

In this post you’ll find a series of 40 powerful jQuery articles, tutorials, and free plugins. Each of these resources should provide a starting point for anyone interested to learn frontend scripting. It’s a long road with many hurdles, but well worth the effort. Take a look through some of these links and jump right into any subject matter that you find intriguing.

jQuery Basics & Selectors

getting started learning jquery basics tutorial

Introduction to DOM Manipulation

document object model dom manipulate jquery

The jQuery Object

tutorial howto coding jquery object dollar sign


jquery howto tutorial iterating

Master the .each() Loop

master jquery each loop tutorial howto javascript

Event Delegation

event delegation jquery tutorial open source

Using jQuery Plugins

jquery plugins howto guide tutorial

Writing Your Own jQuery Plugins

writing custom jquery plugins tutorial

jQuery Animations

jquery tutorial howto coding animation guide

Building a Login Form

building a jquery login form tutorial

Quick Tips for jQuery Newbs

newbies newcomers learning jquery tips tricks

Animate Content with jQuery

animate content jquery coding design

JSON for Absolute Beginners

json data query jquery tutorial parsing

Reading XML with jQuery

reading xml jquery tutorial howto

Sticky Table Headers & Columns

sticky jquery headers tutorial howto

Lateral On-Scroll Sliding

lateral scroll sliding effect jquery tutorial

Multi-Item Slider

jquery tutorial multi item slider howto

Swatch Book using CSS3 and jQuery

jquery css3 swatchbook colors design tutorial

Vertical Showcase Slider

jquery vertical showcase slider tutorial

Sliding Letters with jQuery

sliding letters jquery tutorial howto

Portfolio Image Navigation

portfolio navigation menu jquery tutorial

Item Blur Effect

item blur effect jquery design tutorial

3D Thumbnail Hover Effects

3d tutorial hover effects thumbnail image jquery

Filterable Portfolio with jQuery Isotope

filter portfolio tutorial jquery

Ajax with jQuery

tutorial howto coding jquery javascript ajax

Animate Sliding Content with jQuery

howto coding tutorial guide howto animate hide slide


slicknav tutorial responsive plugin navigation jquery open source resource

A-Slider Plugin

jquery aslider open source github project plugin

Pick-A-Color Plugin

pick a color open source plugin jquery

Viewport Crop Plugin

viewport crop js jquery plugin github freebie

stickyMojo Plugin

sidebar sticky plugin jquery navigation open source

scrollUp Plugin

open source jquery plugin scrolling freebie

Animated Drop-Down Menu

jquery howto tutorial guide animated dropdown nav

Animated Postcard with jQuery

open source jquery tutorial postcard howto

Animated Alphabet with Keypress Events

jquery tutorial kepress howto event delegate

Sliding Boxes and Captions

sliding boxes captions using jquery

jQuery Sprite Animation

animate animation sprites tutorial howto guide

Cycle Through Images on Hover

hover effect cycle images jquery tutorial

Reddit API Webapp

jquery api json search reddit tutorial

jQuery Mobile for Beginners

beginner tutorial howto jquery mobile coding

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