The Colorful Photorealistic Owls of John Pusateri

It is always a breath of fresh to come across some of the amazing talents out there, constantly and passionately at work to creating stunning works of art. John Pusateri is one such artist whose work appears to represent a realistic representation of the subject. John Pusateri’s latest work comprises of a breathtaking series of… Continue reading The Colorful Photorealistic Owls of John Pusateri

Magical minutes of Fireworks Celebrations that Enlighten the world

First of all Happy New Year 2013 to our all viewers and readers, Today we want to share new year eve 2013 celebrations around the globe. Magical minutes of Fireworks Celebrations that Enlighten the world on new year eve with spectacular fireworks displays as it struck midnight around the world. Whole world has witnessed World… Continue reading Magical minutes of Fireworks Celebrations that Enlighten the world