Freebie: 10 Instagram Photoshop Actions

Instant Hipster Actions Preview

These are the first Photoshop actions by SparkleStock and they make your photos look like it was shot with Instagram.

Instant Hipster - 10 Retro Photoshop Actions


This free download gives you access to 10 Photoshop actions. If you’re a SparkleStock member, you get access to all 19 of them!

10 Retro Effects

This Photoshop action set creates snapshots so that you can instantly switch between the effects with one click – a huge time saver.

Instant Previews with Snapshot Rendering

Try these actions and you’ll be surprised how few layers it creates – most only use 2 layers! You will not find a raster layer in here – even some of the tricky vignettes are smartly created using a combination of gradients. This is a much harder way to create photo effects but the benefits are faster processing and maximum image quality.

Fast processing, nondestructive, and minimal layers

These actions can easily be toned down by adjusting the opacity. They’re great for wedding photos, corporate shots, and more. Want something new? Try combining any two actions for even more effects!

Easily lower the opacity for a more natural look

Photoshop Tutorials

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