34 Dark iPhone App UI Designs for Inspiration

Apple’s newest operating system has simplified the app design process. Mobile UI design now focuses on flat elements with simple buttons and line icons. Although there are plenty of great apps out there it’s tough to know which ideas are best for UI inspiration.

In this gallery you’ll find 34 lucrative dark iPhone application interfaces. Most of these designs are just simple mockups but a few have been released live on the app store. If you want to internalise more about iOS7 or iOS8 then these examples should get you started on the right track. But remember to keep practicing and don’t be afraid of trying new ideas!

iPhone 6 Lunar UI

dark purple flat interface iphone6

Friender’s App

ios7 dark flat app friends list

Walle Finance App

walle finance app dark ios7 flat ui

Remino Dark

dark iphone app remino ui design

Truck Service App

truck service app ui iphone

TV Show App

tv show iphone app ui dark colors

Schedule Screen

dark iphone app ui schedule planner


yakitoria dark ios app tabbar ui

Kombini Profile

dark iphone app kombini profile screen ui

Night Guide

dark night guide ios iphone app ui


way2ride dark taxi iphone app ui

NCAA Bracket

ncaa the score iphone ios app sports

Dating App

dating app ui iphone interface

Weather App

dark weather app interface iphone ui

Contacts Screen

dark blue contacts screen iphone app ui

Music Player

iphone app music player dark ui

Slide to Add Water

iphone dark interface slide to add water ux animation

Cars Market App

cars automobiles marketplace dark interface app ui

Atmospheir Settings

dark iphone app interface settings page panel

Fitness Tracking

dark iphone app ui fitness tracking goals

Create Reservation

create reservation dark iphone app interface

Side Navigation

dark video streaming app sliding navigation

Lottery Numbers

lottery date numbers iphone app ui

Tagger Redesign

dark flat ios7 tagger app redesign ui

Task List

dark task list ui interface iphone app

Chat UI

dark iphone chat ui interface design

iOS7 Flat Menu

social network app concept ios7 dark nav menu

Squiryl Menu

dark grey app interface iphone ui

Contact List

iphone app ui contacts list screen

Flat Stocks

stock app iphone redesign dark interface

Alarm Clock

dark numbers setup alarm clock app

iOS Login

dark iphone app login screen ios

Fitness with Heart

fitness app iphone dark interface

Payment UI

dark iphone app animation pay charge ui