Banking UX: currency conversion for digital millennials

Dhananjay Garg

May 24 · 8 min read

Ever since I came to Singapore 🇸🇬, I have been obsessed with the DBS banking app (on Android). To start, I must say — it’s very well designed as compared to other banking apps I have used so far. Flat colours, bold typography, and clean layouts. After months of using the app, I recently found out that it also has a currency conversion web-based micro-module 😱. For someone living and working abroad or travelling frequently ✈️ to other countries, this is such a handy feature to have. Also, this annihilates the need to download a different app for the same purpose.

To improve this module and overall visibility of it, I decided to jump on a guerrilla usability testing sprint cycle.

Disclaimer: DBS (Development Bank of Singapore) might be having data that this module is actually not that important for higher percentage of DAU (Daily Active Users) in the app or must be having low CTR (Click Through Rate). Hence, they might have kept it as a web solution and given lower importance to it.

While I was evaluating the app, DBS/POSB released an full productwide redesign that actually made parts of the research redundant. Just for the sake of research, here are the screen grabs from the previous user journey.

Currency Converter App
Categorized as UX

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